Workout Tracker

About this Project

2021 annual global spending for wearable fitness trackers was estimated to be $81.5B USD according to data collected by Statista. Recent forecasts propose that by the end of 2022, global annual spending on these devices will exceed $90B USD. With the expected increase in spending for wearable fitness accessories and technology, one can expect that the demand for software development will increase as well. This project focuses on users being able to add their data real time as the user is working out. When the user is finished with their workout, they can add their workout to the application so that it can be compared with the previous day's exercises for duration per day in minutes and daily pounds lifted.

Javascript HTML CSS JQuery MongoDB Mongoose Express Node Heroku

Add New Workout

Gif of a new workout being entered into the tracker

This is the main landing page for this application. On a new day, users are able to add a new workout. First they must select which type of exercise they are doing, Resistance or Cardio. If the user selects Resistance, they will be asked to follow the prompts to input and log the details of the Resistance Workout. Users are able to add multiple Resistance Exercises to a Workout. When the user has finished their workout, clicking complete will upload the user's data to their fitness database and show a summary of their most recent workout on the main landing page of the app. If there are more exercises to add to a day's workout, users can click Continue Workout and be prompted on the screen to enter the details of the workout.

Fitness Dashboard

Screenshot of the Fitness Dashboard displaying a line chart on the left for Workout Duration in Minutes and a bar chart on the right for Pounds lifted. beneath each chart is a pie chart showing the breakdown of the exercises performed.

The Fitness Dashboard will show the user's daily workout summaries for the most recent week of exercises and workouts. The bar charts will show the total duration in minutes and the total pounds lifted per day within the current week. The pie charts show the user the total amount of time each exercise was performed and the pounds lifted for each exercise that week.

What's Next

Wearable fitness trackers and software continue to grow and develop including new technologies for collecting comprehensive health data. This application is one of the many building blocks for more comprehensive data collection and visualization apps. Future versions of this app could include more options for data collection including calories burned per workout, real time heart rate monitoring, customized displays, and more.